drop observations if

Fragen zu Stata Syntax und Do-Files.

drop observations if

Beitragvon MaryJD » Fr 10. Okt 2014, 10:38

Dear all,

I use a dataset where employment shares are listed wrt to year and sector (so that I have e.g. 1990 - agriculture - emp. share and some lines later 2000 - agriculture - emp. share).
Now I would like to drop observations for the employment share variable only (!!!) if year = 1990. How can I do that? I tried "drop emp. share if year = 1990" but it did not work...
As my dataset contains other variables (per sector as e.g. productivity) for which I am interested in values for 1990, I do not(!) want to use the command drop if year = 1990.
Is there any possibility to solve my problem?

Thanks a lot in advance.
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Registriert: Fr 10. Okt 2014, 10:36
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Re: drop observations if

Beitragvon daniel » Fr 10. Okt 2014, 14:24

Stata is an invented word, not an acronym, and should not appear with all letters capitalized: please write “Stata”, not “STATA”.
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