Laut Installations-Script soll ich "./stinit" ausführen. Mach ich. Er kann "stata" nicht finden, obwohl es tatsächlich dort ist.
"xstata" geht nicht, weil ihm irgendeine bib fehlt.
"stata" geht nicht, weil ihm das Licence-File fehlt. (gebe ich ja eh erst beim ersten Start ein, so wie in Win7)
Also was läuft hier schief?
- Code: Alles auswählen
user@pc-kubuntu:/opt$ cd /usr/local
user@pc-kubuntu:/usr/local$ sudo mkdir stata
user@pc-kubuntu:/usr/local$ cd stata
user@pc-kubuntu:/usr/local/stata$ sudo /media/floppy/install
Stata 12 Installation
-- blablabla --
Specify the type of Unix platform on which you are installing Stata 12:
2. Linux
3. Oracle Solaris
Enter 1, 2, 3, 4, or q to quit:
Specify which Stata for PC Linux you wish to install:
1. 32-bit Stata for Linux, glibc 2.5 and newer
2. 32-bit Stata for Linux, glibc 2.4 and older
3. 64-bit Stata for Linux on x86-64, glibc 2.5 and newer
4. 64-bit Stata for Linux on x86-64, glibc 2.4 and older
-- blablabla --
Enter 1, 2, 3, 4, or q to quit:
About to proceed with installation:
To install: 32-bit Stata for Linux, glibc 2.5 and newer
Into directory: /usr/local/stata
Okay to proceed (y/n or q to quit)
Copying files ...
Stata 12 installation
1. uncompressing files
2. extracting files
3. setting permissions
Done. The next step is to run the license installer. Type:
-- blablabla --
If the licensed software is Stata/IC 12, you will be able to run
Stata/IC by typing
xstata (Run windowed version of Stata/IC)
stata (Run console version of Stata/IC)
-- blablabla --
Make sure /usr/local/stata is in your Unix path.
Now run ./stinit
user@pc-kubuntu:/usr/local/stata$ ./stinit
I do not find the file stata or xstata in the current directory.
Please change to the directory in which Stata is installed
and type stinit again.
user@pc-kubuntu:/usr/local/stata$ ./xstata
./xstata: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
user@pc-kubuntu:/usr/local/stata$ ./stata
___ ____ ____ ____ ____ (R)
/__ / ____/ / ____/
___/ / /___/ / /___/ 12.0 Copyright 1985-2011 StataCorp LP
Statistics/Data Analysis StataCorp
4905 Lakeway Drive
College Station, Texas 77845 USA
979-696-4601 (fax)
Cannot find license file