- Outcome in log
- DRFlog.png (145.31 KiB) 2345-mal betrachtet

- Outcome nicht transformiert
- DRFabsolutevalues.png (152.88 KiB) 2345-mal betrachtet
Hallo zusammen!
Ich habe bereits im englischsprachigen Forum einen Beitrag dazu eröffnet. Allerdings habe ich noch keine Antwort dazu erhalten. Ich poste jetzt mal den englischen Text. Antworten gerne auf Deutsch. Die Abbildungen der DRF befinden sich im Anhang.
"Dear members
In a project I investigated the relationship between policy intensity (theoretically ranging between 0-100) and consumer demand (measured in tonnes). For this purpose, I applied ctreatreg, whereby the treatment (i.e., the intenstiy of policy measures) was given exogenously to consumers. This implies, consumers had no influence on timing and intensity of the policy measures.
The corresponding figure of the drf with outcome variable transformed to log is attached to this post. I additionally estimated the drf in absolute values of the outcome (i.e., without taking natural log). This is the second figure attached to this post.
In general, I found a positive link between policy intensity and consumer demand. The maximum value of the policy intensity was 72.5 (I did not transform this variable so that it ranged between 0-100).
Accordingly, my question is the following: How can I interpret the dose-response relationship in a quantitative manner? For instance, how can I interpret the changes in the demand when the intensity increases from e.g. 30 to 50?"
Das Paper zu ctreatreg:
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.117 ... 1501500405Post im englischsprachigen Forum unter:
https://www.statalist.org/forums/forum/ ... -ctreatreg