How to interpret standardized beta coefficients with log?

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How to interpret standardized beta coefficients with log?

Beitragvon Michaela_1 » Mi 17. Aug 2022, 13:32

I carried out a multiple linear regression analysis with three dependent variables. Two of them are measures as a logarithm, one of them is measured on a range from [0,1]. The dependent variable is also a logarithm. In order to make them comparable, I used the stdBeta command in Stata to obtain the standardized coefficients, i.e., the beta weights.

However, I am unsure how to interpret these values. For the normal regression output I would do the following interpretation:

Log-Log: For a 1% increase in X, there is a x % increase in Y.
Lin-Log: For a 1-unit increase in X, there is a 100x % increase in Y. (at least for small values).

How does the interpretation for the standardized coefficients work? Is it the following?

Log-Log: For a 1% increase in the standard deviation in X, there is a x % increase in the standard deviation in Y.
Lin-Log: For a 1-standard-deviation increase in X, there is a 100x % increase in the standard deviation in Y?

I really appreciate your help!
Zuletzt geändert von Michaela_1 am Mo 22. Aug 2022, 18:03, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Re: How to interpret beta weights with a log-log and lin-log

Beitragvon Staxa » Mi 17. Aug 2022, 18:11

I think this question is better suited in a statistics forum, like
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