simulate error

Fragen zu Stata Syntax und Do-Files.

simulate error

Beitragvon sisiphos » Di 11. Mär 2014, 16:30

clear all

program define mark, rclass

use ".\dta\full.dta"
keep if loan_status =="Fully Paid" | loan_status =="Charged Off"
keep if year == 2010
keep if term ==" 36 months"

sample 5 if grade=="A" , count
sample 5 if grade=="B" , count
sample 5 if grade=="C" , count
sample 5 if grade=="D" , count
sample 5 if grade=="E" , count
sample 5 if grade=="F" , count
sample 5 if grade=="G" , count

summarize ahpr_matured
return scalar mean = r(mean)
return scalar sd = r(sd

simulate pipi=r(mean) pipi2=r(sd), reps(10): mark


. simulate pipi=r(mean) pipi2=r(sd), reps(10): mark
nothing found where name expected
an error occurred when simulate executed mark

why ??

thank you so much.
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Registriert: Di 11. Mär 2014, 16:29
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Re: simulate error

Beitragvon daniel » Di 11. Mär 2014, 20:32

Stata is an invented word, not an acronym, and should not appear with all letters capitalized: please write “Stata”, not “STATA”.
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