punktbiseriale Korrelation

Pearson, Spearman und co., Korrelationsanalysen aller Art mit Stata.

punktbiseriale Korrelation

Beitragvon haraldweber » Do 7. Jun 2012, 14:11

kennt jemand das "Zauberwort", um eine punktbeseriale Korrelation zu berechnen?
Bereits jetzt, ganz herzlichen Dank.
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Re: punktbiseriale Korrelation

Beitragvon daniel » Do 7. Jun 2012, 17:05

Code: Alles auswählen
. findit point-biserial correlation

führt zu

Code: Alles auswählen
2 packages found (Stata Journal and STB listed first)

sg20 from http://www.stata.com/stb/stb17
    STB-17 sg20.  Point biserial correlation. / STB insert by John A.
    Anderson, Manager of Operations / Local Technical Assistance Program /
    Pennsylvania Transportation Institute / The Pennsylvania State University
    / Support:  FAX 717-948-6031 and jaa5@psuvm.psu.edu / After installation,
Stata is an invented word, not an acronym, and should not appear with all letters capitalized: please write “Stata”, not “STATA”.
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